2021 – 2022 Gratitude Report

As Brandy winds down her second term as Board President, we have been reflecting on our time leading Pride Foundation together since 2019. 

No one could have anticipated the onslaught of crises, instability, and heartbreak of the past few years. But it’s also true that no one could have anticipated the care, generosity, and tenacity we’ve seen in response.

At Pride Foundation, two principles have been core to who we are as an LGBTQ+ community foundation: connection and action.

The connections between all of us as individuals, communities, and movements for justice have never been clearer or more critical—our lives and our struggles are intertwined on both political and personal levels. 

These connections are where our power comes from. And in the face of the ongoing crises our communities continue to face, we have channeled this power, and the love, care, and fire inside us, into action.
At Pride Foundation, we see every day what connection and action make possible. Each and every grantee partner, scholar,  storyteller, advocate, supporter, and volunteer make up a vast network of tributaries—our lives, stories, connections, and actions coalesce, flowing together to nourish and transform the landscapes of our movements for equity and justice.

Action has been our answer, and tenacity has been our way of life. We will never stop fighting for the world we know is possible, and we are so grateful to be in this fight alongside you—our deeply connected, multi-generational community of courageous partners, activists, and supporters who are transforming our region and world.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

With pride,

Katie Carter, CEO
Brandy Pirtle-Guiney, Board President

Pride Foundation’s Grantmaking Programs support LGBTQ+ groups that serve BIPOC communities, grassroots LGBTQ+ groups with limited access to funding, and groups that support LGBTQ+ people in places where no one else is.

Our grantee partners take action every single day to create connections and advance justice for LGBTQ+ communities across the Northwest.


grants awarded last year


Grant dollars awarded last year


First year of grant making

Community grants recipients:


build leadership of QTBIPOC


support LGBTQ+ people in rural areas or small towns


support LGBTQ+ youth


address housing and homelessness

Grantee Partner Spotlight:

“The most important issues facing our communities in Idaho come down to access—access to equitable laws, affordable housing, wages, and protections that we need and deserve in order to reach our fullest potential.” – Chelsea Gaona-Lincoln, Executive Director, Add the Words, Idaho

Three harmful anti-LGBTQ+ laws have passed in Idaho in the past two years. The vast majority of LGBTQ+ Idahoans can still be legally fired, denied housing, or turned away from services. These laws don’t just live on paper or in capitol buildings—they impact the daily lived reality of the estimated 48,000 LGBTQ+ people and their families living in Idaho.

Add the Words, Idaho was founded to advocate for the state legislature to update the Idaho Human Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Since then, they have expanded into a volunteer-run nonprofit that works for a reality where all Idahoans can be free to live and thrive without fear of discrimination and violence.

Pride Foundation is honored to support Add the Words as a grantee partner—particularly amidst the political landscape of Idaho and a lack of foundation funding for LGBTQ+ issues in Idaho.

“We have a beautiful community with so much knowledge of what we really truly need. But finding access to resources to make those things come to fruition is always the biggest challenge. Pride Foundation was actually the first foundation and the only to date that has funded our work.”

Add the Words is making Idaho safer, more caring, and more accepting of our communities—and fighting every day to give LGBTQ+ Idahoans access to opportunities to live and thrive.

We hope you’ll take time to learn more and support Add the Words at addthewords.org

Check out our recent video featuring Add the Words:

Pride Foundation Scholarships support LGBTQ+ students who, despite having faced incredible barriers, are extraordinary leaders—in their own lives, in their fields of study, and in their home communities. 

Our Scholars and Scholar Alumni are not only taking action to achieve their dreams, they are creating connections and driving our movements for justice across the Northwest and beyond.

This year, we awarded $705,000 to 108 students.

We’ve awarded over $7.5 million to more than 2,300 scholars since the program was founded in 1993.

Scholar Spotlight:

Lush plants cover every inch of Joshua House’s Shoreline, Washington apartment. Spiky yellow and green palms, waves of variegated ferns, succulents of all shapes and sizes.

Joshua, a 2022 Pride Foundation Scholar, explains, “Ever since I became clean and sober, I’ve finally been able to look down the road longer than just a week. I started gaining self-worth. I started growing plants. I started unlocking all of these superpowers that I didn’t even know I had. I cook, I dance and love karaoke, I bake, I make videos. I’m having fun. Since I started believing in myself, I began a new way of life. I hope to make that possible for others.”

Pursuing an undergraduate degree in social work from the University of Washington, Joshua shares, “I want to help people like myself—people that are in the foster care system, people who have been homeless, people of color, LGBTQ people. I want to be in spaces where there historically haven’t been people who look like me, where I can give that representation. I would love down the road to open up a community drop in center for people trying to build a new life.”

Reflecting on what he would tell his younger self now, Joshua shares, “I would tell him to hold on—that you need to go through everything you go through in order to do what you want to do. To help people, you have to live life to understand. One day your life is going to look exactly how you want it to.” 

“My life isn’t perfect by any means, but I have exactly what I need. I have people that love me. This is the life that I asked all of the energies in the world for…I can get caught up sometimes in things that are going wrong, but then I look at all of the beautiful things that have unfolded since I leaned into my superpowers and capabilities.”

Looking around at his makeshift greenhouse, Joshua explains: “One cool thing about plants is that they really, really want to live. They’re resilient. Even if you think a plant is gone, it’s not—you just have to nurse it back to health.”


are LGBTQ+


are People of Color


live in rural areas


are trans or gender diverse


are Disabled/living with a disability


have experienced or are currently experiencing houselessness


have experienced adverse family reactions or rejection

All LGBTQ+ people deserve to live openly as our whole selves, form safe connections, and live free from discrimination and violence. Through our Community Advocacy, Research, and Education (C.A.R.E.) program, we work to build narratives that will shift culture across the Northwest to make this a reality.

This work is community-driven and sustained in partnership with the Village Council – a committee of BIPOC trans and non-binary community members from across the Northwest. Together, we are taking action to transform our culture so that we can all find safety and belonging in our home communities, especially Black and Indigenous trans femmes.


# of Village Council members across the NW


# of miles traveled by C.A.R.E. staff and Village Council Members to learn, share, and connect in community


# of Village Council events, conferences, and stakeholder engagements

Grantee Partner Spotlight:

Sometimes camp isn’t just camp. At TransVisible Montana Leadership Camp, it’s not only a time for trans and gender diverse people to experience nature together, it’s an opportunity for true, multigenerational connection.

Transvisibile Montana, a Pride Foundation grantee partner, is a coalition of transgender, non-binary, and Two Spirit Montanans working to promote awareness and education in across Montana. 

“The power of TransVisible Montana Leadership Camp is the culturally responsive organizing and programming specifically by and for Transgender, Non Binary & Two Spirit Montanans.” – Dandilion, Pride Foundation Village Council member and Table leader with TransVisible Montana.

This year, Pride Foundation’s Director of Community Education, Research, and Advocacy (C.A.R.E.), José Romero had the opportunity to attend camp and lead the session “T for T = Infinity.”  

“When trans and gender diverse people come together, anything is possible,” José shares.

“Leading this session felt so right in this space where we as trans people could come together outside in a state as vast as Montana—when so much of what we hear in the world is telling us that our identities should be hidden inside.”

Leadership Camp is about bringing people together, learning together, and doing together. Participation is free, and sessions range from ancestor connections, to safety planning, to legislative advocacy work in Montana. They hope to add a youth camp in the future, with help from a timely advocacy grant from Pride Foundation. 

“Leadership Camp embodies Pride Foundation’s C.A.R.E. work on every level,” José reflects. “We spend time with trans elders and connect across generations. We trade strategies and learn together. We share our stories and our lives. And we do all of it from a place of deep, deep care and joy.”

We hope you’ll take time to learn more about and support TransVisible Montana’s work:

Pride Foundation began in 1985 as a critical source of connection and action for our communities—and is the only LGBTQ+ community foundation in the Northwest, and a critical place for LGBTQ+ people and allies to be able to pour back into our own communities. 

Every day, this vast network of individuals, fundholders, businesses, and foundation partners invests in equity and justice— and shows their dedication to building a world where we can all live openly and safely in all the communities we call home. 

Total Donors by Household

Last fiscal year, nearly 1,300 supporter households invested boldly in our collective fight for justice. 

Dollars raised: Last fiscal year, we came together to mobilize more than $4 million dollars for LGBTQ+ communities from individuals, organizations, and corporations. 

Resource Mobilization Spotlight:

“Connect with your breath and settle into your body. Acknowledge where you started and where you are now.” In a warm studio space in North Portland, the sounds of deep breathing and movement fill the air, as 10 people take a barre class, a cross between Pilates, yoga and ballet. This is clearly not a typical workout class. This is a unique space – one where people of varying body sizes and ages, are moving in synchronicity as the instructor shares words of encouragement and reflection. 

Barre3 is a fitness company focused on teaching people to be balanced in body and empowered from within. Starting in 2008 with a flagship studio in Portland, Oregon, barre3 has grown to include more than 170 franchise studios in 156+ countries. 

Barre3 celebrates the vibrancy of LGBTQIA+ communities through a longstanding partnership with Pride Foundation. Through a drop-in workout series during Pride Month, and a line of signature apparel including leggings, t-shirts, totes, and water bottles, barre3 donates 100% of net proceeds to benefit Pride Foundation’s grantmaking, scholarships, and advocacy programs. 

“We are thrilled to partner alongside Pride Foundation as they aim to build a better, safer, and more equitable world for LGBTQIA+ communities. We feel so aligned to their mission, and collectively celebrate the impact these funds can help support here in the Pacific Northwest,” shares Sadie Lincoln, co-founder and CEO of barre3. 

“Pride Foundation’s partnership with barre3 has been transformational. Not only have we raised incredible funds for LGBTQ+ communities together, we have also introduced new audiences to Pride Foundation and barre3. We are thrilled to work alongside a business that is aligned not only in our values, but also our bold vision for the future, where all people can be empowered as their full selves,” states Jedidiah Chavez, Director of Community Engagement with Pride Foundation. 

Your support of Pride Foundation is a deliberate and powerful action towards the world we all know is possible—one where LGBTQ+ people live safely and openly as our whole selves in all the communities we call home.

Pride Foundation’s grantmaking programs support grassroots organizations whose dedication envelopes LGBTQ+ people in waves of care. Our scholarships provide financial resources and community connection to brilliant students whose leadership ripples out across our region. Our community advocacy work shifts tides and culture to keep us all safe.

In the 33 years since our founding—and the last three in particular—we have seen the incredible power that comes from the connections between us, our communities, and our movements. These connections drive our collective action—and, together, our impact is undeniable. 

Statement of financial position year ending in March 31, 2022. 

Liabilities & Net Assets 

Accounts Payable……………………………………………………………………….17,728 

Grants & Scholarships Payable…………………………………………… 1,082,725 

Unearned Advance…………………………………………………………………….. 2,104 

Other Liabilities………………………………………………………………………..48,786 

Net Assets 

Unrestricted…………………………………………………………………….. 4,041,181 

Temporarily Restricted………………………………………………….. 17,479,701 

Permanently Restricted………………………………………………….25,998,184 

Total Liabilities & Net Assets…………………………………….48,670,409 


Cash & Cash Equivalents………………………………………………………5,175,025 

Investment Portfolio…………………………………………………………….41,153,013 


Property & Equipment, Net………………………………………………………..2,009 

Promises To Give………………………………………………………………….1,020,423 

Other Assets…………………………………………………………………………… 44,584 

Total Assets…………………………………………………………….48,670,409 


Fiscal Year April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 


Individual Contributions…………………………………………………………….1,607,037

Workplace Contributions…………………………………………………………….36,286 




Total Revenue:…………………………………………………………………4,013,364 



Grants – Community……………………………………………………………….2,159,500 

Grants – DAF & AOI………………………………………………………………..387,921 

Regional Leadership Development………………………………………..1,548,071 


Management & General……………………………………………………………283,512 

Total Expenses:…………………………………………………………5,368,678 

Net Surplus (Shortfall) 

Before Gains & Losses…………………………………………………………….(1,355,314) 

Net Investment Activity……………………………………………………………..3,141,366

Net Surplus/(Shortfall)……………………………………………………………1,786,052 

Changes in Operating Cash………………………………………………………(556,518) 

Operating Surplus/(Shortfal)……………………………………………………1,229,534